We have some new products available through DrinkACT and I am very excited about this. These products are all endorsed by Dr. Joel Wallach, author of the famous "Dead Doctors Don't Lie"
BASIC 90 PACK Contains-- 1 Ultimate Tangy Tangerine, 32 oz, liquid multivitamin 1 EFA 180, 180 softgels, Essential Fatty Acids 1 Cheri-Mins, 32 oz, cherry flavored liquid minerals.

5 DAY CLEANSING PACK Combines 3 powerful products into 1 great program. -Cleanse fx, 60 capsules -Colon Plus, 120 capsules -D'Tox fx, 90 capsules

COCOPLUS COMBO 1-OSTEO FX PLUS 1- COCOGEVITY - more info coming soon!