Thursday, June 28, 2007

A.C.T. Energy Drink in Korea - Global Business

I am always excited to share things that are happening in my business. Last week a gentleman from Oklahoma joined and when he called me, explained that he owns a convenience store and is very interested in trying the drink and possibly selling it in his store as well as signing up other stores in his area. I am sure soon, we will see what he thinks about the drink.

Today a new dealer joined our team that is in Korea and placed an order tonight to go active. That is very exciting to me since I have recently talked to a few people who were very interested in getting this business started in Korea.

A lot of great things are right around the corner with and I will wait to share them with you when they actually go live. I am so proud to be affiliated with and looking forward to continuing to build this global business from the comfort of my home.

I am still in pursuit of a few more people who are interested in building a large residual income from home. Since I am not tied down to a job and work for myself full time, I am in a great position to help serious people reach their personal business goals. My 20 years experience in network marketing and direct sales has facilitated in training me to be in this leadership position that I am now in with See you at the Top!!!