A.C.T. Energy Drink sales have continued to skyrocket beyond 11 million drinks served through the end of 2006. The retail price of A.C.T. Energy Drink is anywhere from $1.99 to $2.49, however the manufacturing price offered by M2C Global is only $1.00 per drink which is unheard of in this industry.
A.C.T. Energy Drink will soon be available in cans (ready to drink) and the A.C.T. "On The Go" Energy Drink Pouches will still be available providing dealers and retailers with more options to market "The World's First Healthy Energy Drink"
A.C.T. Energy Drink sales are expected to increase significantly in 2007 as energy drink sales as a whole continue to grow consistently as each year goes by. A.C.T. is a much healthier option than most energy drinks. It works faster, lasts longer and the cost alone is winning over millions of people around the world.
A.C.T. On The Go Pouches are available in boxes of 30 for $30 each plus shipping. Order it online at http://www.GotEnergyDrink.com