M2C Global proudly unveiled the Vitalagy.com websites today for all dealers. The site is simple and informative and customers can order directly from the site and get questions answered all in one simple visit.
Vitalagy is the newest product released by M2C Global (M2C stands for Manufacturer to Consumer). M2C Global is recreating how business is done by allowing people to join for free in a referral program.
A new dealer receives manufacturer direct pricing for personal consumption or resale. All new dealers also receive several free websites that can be used to share information about the products with family, friends, coworkers and prospects.
Many dealers with M2c Global have experienced excellent success in their new dealerships because it appeals to the masses.
Vitalagy may be the newest product, however the A.C.T. Energy Drinks are the key to the success of the company as the products are priced well below the competition, work faster, last longer and as far as business goes, it's just a no-brainer.
M2C Global is a company for intelligent business-minded people to keep an eye on, and those who know how to recognize a true potential winner won't hesitate to join the referral program. Those who join in the next 12-24 months will be setting themselves up for long term financial gain as this company continues to grow and grow. Already 8 million A.C.T. Drinks sold in the first 16 months.
You can click on any of the above hyperlinks for more information about the products, the company, and the business opportunity.