It seems everywhere you turn these days you will see energy drinks everywhere. The going price for most drinks is about $2.00-$3.00 and you can sometimes save a little money if you buy them by the case, but they are still more than the A.C.T. Energy Drink which is only $1 a serving and it appears to be so much better for you than most of the other energy drinks I have seen on the market.
I think one of the biggest differences I noticed after discovering what the ingredients in the A.C.T. Energy Drink is the sweetener happens to be something I have been using for about 3 years now at home and even away from home which is stevia. Stevia is a natural herb that is about 30 times sweeter than sugar but adds no calories. Most other drinks that are sugar free use chemical sweeteners and the downside to that is we don't know for sure what the long-term effect on our bodies will be from using these artificial sweeteners. It honestly scares me.
From the very first A.C.T. Energy Drink that I drank, I noticed something very jitters whatsoever and you don't crash, the energy just seems to stay with you very long. BUT even more interesting was the feeling I experienced when I knew it had started working, I felt this feeling come over me of being completely tuned in mentally & physically. It is very challenging to describe this in words.
Since my first drink of the A.C.T. Energy Drink, I have also done some intense roller skating. I like to skate to high energy dance music (old school beats) and the sessions I attend are normally 99% faster paced music. I have done this 3 times so far this month and each time, I have stamina and endurance that allows me to keep up with and bypass the teenagers (I will be 40 this year......yes, there I said it!). I should also add that for me personally at this time I am way out of shape compared to what I normally am and I want to lose somewhere around 40 lbs by the time my birthday actually gets here this year. I say this only because I want to stress the fact that without taking the A.C.T. Energy Drink I would not be skating for nearly 3 hours without stopping at such high intensities.
Today for instance I did have the opportunity to skate, however I didn't use the A.C.T. Energy Drink today, and guess what my skating was like today? I couldn't get going like I did last week when I was using it.
I had every intention of just working at all the traditional approaches to losing the weight I want to lose..........however since M2C Global also has a weight loss system called STACK, I plan on using it to achieve my goals and hopefully shorten the time frame of dropping these extra pounds I put on during pregnancy and breastfeeding and plain getting lazy and not following the kind of eating habits I should be doing.
I had someone test out the STACK system for me this month and she reported that in the 8 days that she used it that she did lose a few inches, had apparent detoxification and cleansing, and she also commented on how it cleared up her skin noticeably. I have someone else who started on STACK yesterday, so I will be updating on that too.
Soon M2C Global will be releasing a new liquid supplement called "Vitalagy" and more details will be available very soon about this product.
If you are interested in trying our products, all you have to do is sign up as a free dealer and order at cost. You will realize tremendous savings and maximum results. And if you are looking for a way to capitalize on the growing energy drink industry (or weight loss, or liquid nutritional supplements) then check out the following web site for more information.